Are you looking for some ideas for a fresh start to 2019? Here is a few simple tips that will help you on your way to a better year!
Exercise every day - Staying active is an important step toward healthy ageing. If your just starting out, give yourself 10 minutes of exercise a day. It can be as simple as a walk or gentle stretching or a swim. As it becomes easier you can increase the amount of time per week you exercise. In the long term, exercise may prolong your independence and delay disability. Here is an article from the Harvard Medical School you might find interesting.
Start a hobby - A hobby can keep you away from the TV and keep your mind busy. Depending on what hobby you choose, it may even help towards your exercise goals, such as fishing, dancing or bush walking. Gardening is also a popular choice. It gets you outdoors and moving and you can grow your own fresh fruit and veg while your at it. Research has shown that exercising the mind can delay the onset of dementia, reducing the number of years one may suffer from the disease as started in this article. This website provides dozens of games specifically designed to improve brain fitness.
Stay social - Spend more time with the grand kids. This can bring the family closer and help you stay active. Try a weekly catch up! Join a club, the local RSL will hold events for seniors to get together and make new friends. The Central Coast has many 50 + Leisure and Learning Centres and Seniors Centres. Go here for more information. Look for volunteering opportunities. You can support a cause that you believe in, learn new skills and give back to the community. Try this Facebook page for volunteering opportunities on the Central Coast.
Revive your friendships - It can be difficult to maintain relationships as you grow older but it doesn't have to be. Social media is well established. Reach out on Facebook, Instagram or other platforms or simply pick up the phone. You could try scheduling a regular catch up over lunch or coffee or down at the "local".
Most importantly, care for yourself! to stay independent in your home you need to be sure you doing the best you can for your health and happiness.