You will be working with people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities. You will be providing support to people with :
Many of our services are provided in people’s homes, you will be helping with daily care activities the person is unable to perform alone, such as showering, getting dressed, hygiene, preparing meals, providing reminders to take medication, and assisting people to mobilise around the home which may include using lifters and other mobility aids.
Many of our services also involve assisting with household duties, such as cleaning, cooking and other domestic activities, help the person stay in and maintain their own home. You will also be helping with practical tasks, such as helping the person you are supporting pay their bills, get to appointments, find and apply for jobs, or going grocery shopping together or on their behalf.
Your day may also include providing support to older people and people with disabilities to participate in their hobbies and to explore their interests. Helping people to get out of the house to meet friends and family, take a class, go to the movies, exercise or take part in community activities.
You will also develop relationships with the people you support and you will provide emotional and social support. Being a good listener, listening to the person’s thoughts and concerns, providing companionship and helping them to build and maintain a social support networks. You may do some of these tasks, or all of these tasks each day. It really all depends on the person, or people, you support.
You will build a relationship with the person you support, you will spend time learning to understand their preferred ways of communicating, and supporting their choices about how their support is provided, their interests and their goals.
There will be some reporting involved to record the activities the person is involved in. You will report regularly on the support you have given, the person’s wellbeing, any incidents or the progress they have made towards their goals.
You will be working in people’s homes and at times out in the community and at various public places it really depends on the needs and circumstances of the people you support.
The team at Accuro really support each other, we have a team of Practice Coaches who will provide you with your initial orientation and buddy visit. We also have a learning culture and we are committed to providing you with ongoing training giving you access and time to undertake regular industry training as well as having access to 24/7 phone support access to assistance. We work towards achieving an inclusive society for all.