Accuro Homecare acts with integrity, honesty and transparency and supports client/participants’ choice and control. This includes disclosing any conflicts of interest – perceived or actual – that may impact how it delivers supports.
All NDIS participants must be treated equally and not given preferential treatment above others.
Employees must declare all potential, perceived and real conflicts of interest that could impact how they deliver supports, to all relevant participants or prospective participants. This includes conflicts of interest relating to financial, business, or personal matters, as well as any financial or business interests that Accuro Homecare has with other organisations.
When providing supports to participants, employees must not influence or direct participants’ or their supporters’ decision-making, or limit their access to information, choice, and control. Advice and information provided about support options (in and outside Accuro Homecare) must be accurate, transparent, and objective. All participants must be treated equally and not given preferential treatment above others.
Accuro Homecare provides information about conflicts of interest to participants, their families, and carers in a variety of ways. This includes through Accuro Homecare’s Participant Handbook. Written information can be provided in different languages and Easy English or explained verbally by employees. Accuro Homecare employees can also help participants access interpreters or advocates where required.
Accuro Homecare endeavours to provide information in formats that accommodate current and anticipated participant needs. This includes taking into account participants’ cultural background, disability and specific communication needs