As of the 1st of July 2019 the NDIS has raised the maximum amount claimable for all NDIS supports. This occurs every year on the same date due to CPI and wage index increases handed down by the Australian Government.
The NDIS also have introduced a “Temporary Transformation Payment” or TTP for short, in addition to the scheduled yearly increases. The TTP amount is 7.5% above the newly increased rate.
The new maximum claimable rates have increased by roughly 9.8% (variable on each support item) without the TTP.
The NDIS have advised us that all participants plans will increase to incorporate the new maximum claimable amount and the TTP amount.
We feel this is very generous of the NDIS and these new maximum rates are well above what Accuro Home Care requires to deliver quality services and supports. With this in mind Accuro Home Care will be increasing the hourly rates (excluding TTP) on the supports we provide by only 4% if that support item has TTP claim ability. For all support items that are not TTP claimable we will be charging the maximum claimable rate. We will however be claiming the TTP amount on all support items that have this available.
What this means for you:
By only raising our hourly rates by 4% on most support items you will have quite significant extra funds in your plan to secure more services and supports. You can certainly call our friendly services department to discuss what extra services and supports we can offer or, use those extra funds to cover other area’s of your plan such as travel or consumables.
An example of the savings;
New maximum claimable amount on line item 01_011_0107_1_1 (Assistance With Self-Care Activities - Standard - Weekday Daytime) with TTP: $56.81
Accuro Home Care will charge: $53.82, A saving of $2.99 per hour!
Now that does not sound like a lot of money but if for example you receive 5 hours of support a week this is a saving of $777.40 in a year or 14.5 extra hours of supports!
Please see the link below to view the new rates as offered from 1st of July 2019.
Accuro Home Care will look after the adjustment of all service bookings to be in line with our new fees and charges for those participants that are NDIS agency managed.
We request all Plan Managing agencies to adjust participants service bookings to be in line with our new charges.
You can compare our fees against the actual NDIS maximum amount claimable using the links below.
If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact our friendly service team. Accuro Home Care looks forward to continue providing our much loved NDIS clients with quality services and supports, helping you achieve your goals.